The Five Most Important Things You Need To Know About Interior Design

If you’re not an expert, the world of interior design can be quite overwhelming. We’ve created this post to help those of you who need a little bit of advice on how to create the perfect space for you and your family.

There are a few tricks of the trade that can help you achieve the enviable interior style you’ve been dreaming of. First, it’s important to have a plan. Decide what you want your space to look and feel like, and make a mood board or Pinterest inspiration folder to help you visualise your vision. Once you have a clear idea of your desired aesthetic, you can start sourcing furniture and decor items that fit your scheme.


Next, it’s important to consider function as well as form. Your space should be comfortable and practical as well as stylish. Think about how you will use the space, and plan accordingly. For example, if you entertain often, you might want to include lots of seating and plenty of storage for table linens and glassware. If you work from home, you might need a dedicated workspace with good lighting and comfortable chairs.

Get to know the basics of interior design – learn about different styles, familiarize yourself with common terms, and find out what furniture and accessories will work best in your space. Don’t be afraid to experiment. Interior design is all about trial and error – so go ahead and try out different looks until you find one that feels right for you. With a little bit of effort, anyone can achieve the interior style of their dreams! And don’t be afraid to take risks – after all, it’s your home, and you should feel comfortable and confident in your unique style.


You don’t need to be an expert at interior design to achieve an enviable interior style. In this post, we’re going to take a closer look at the most basic rules of interior design, plus we’ll offer our recommendations.

Beauty and Practicality

Beauty and practicality, or ‘form and function’, means that while we love beautiful furniture, it must be practical too. This is what you must keep in the back of your mind when designing a room in your home.


Interior design is all about creating a space that reflects your unique style and meets your needs. And while aesthetics are important, it’s also essential to choose furniture that’s functional and comfortable. A sofa may look stylish, but if it’s not comfortable to sit on, it’s not going to be enjoyable to use. Similarly, a desk that is too small or has an awkward layout can make working at home a real pain. Many sofa manufacturers now offer a wide range of styles, from traditional to contemporary. And there are plenty of desks on the market that offer both storage and a modern aesthetic. So take the time to try out any potential purchases before you commit to them. That way, you can be sure your new furniture will not only look great but also work well for you.

Success Lies In Accurate Measurements

When it comes to interior design, one of the most important things to keep in mind is measurements. You would be surprised how many people try purchasing furniture items without ever picking up a tape measure! A few simple tricks can go a long way when trying to figure out what will fit and where.


For example, when dealing with furniture, always measure not only the piece itself but also the space around it. You’ll want to leave enough room for people to walk comfortably and for doors to open and close fully. Pay attention to doorways, hallways, and staircases as well, especially if you’re dealing with larger pieces. And finally, don’t forget about balance. If you have a lot of heavy furniture on one side of the room, try to offset it with lighter pieces or accessories on the other side. By following these simple tips, you’ll be sure to create a space that is both stylish and functional.

Have you ever wondered why some interiors just look ‘right’? It could be because they’re following the golden ratio. Also known as the ‘golden mean’ or ‘golden section’, the golden ratio is a mathematical equation that describes what is widely considered to be the perfect proportion. In interior design, the golden ratio is often used to determine the ideal placement of furniture and other elements within a space.


Interior designers often recommend following the 2:3 rule when arranging furniture. This rule suggests that the largest piece of furniture in a room should measure 2:3 of the area. For example, in a 12×12 room, the largest piece of furniture should be 8 feet long. If you have a large sofa, you’ll want to have a coffee table that is 2:3 the size of the sofa. Then you can use smaller end tables that are 1:2 the size of the sofa. By taking this approach, you’ll end up with a well-designed room that not only looks great but is also practical and comfortable to use.


Choose A Colour Scheme

Interior design is all about creating a specific mood or feeling in a space, and one of the most important elements of interior design is colour. Well-chosen colours can help create an inviting and relaxing atmosphere, while the wrong colours can make a space feel cold and unwelcoming. So what are the trending colours for this year? According to Pantone, top colours this year include warm and earthy tones like Ultimate Gray and Illuminating (a yellowish-green). If you’re looking for something a little bolder, try Something Blue or Golden Yellow. And if you want to create a truly unique space, consider using multiple colours in your scheme. Just remember to use colours that work well together – you don’t want your space to feel too chaotic.

Interior designers have a lot of tools at their disposal to help them create beautiful and functional spaces. One of the most important tools is the colour wheel tool. which helps designers mix and match different hues to create harmonious schemes. It’s based on the principle of complementary colours, which states that certain colours are naturally pleasing when used together. The colour wheel makes it easy to find complementary colours and create well-balanced schemes. When used correctly, the colour wheel can be a powerful tool for creating stunning spaces. 


Lighting Is A Very Important Aspect Of Interior Design

Lighting can have a major impact on how people feel in a space. There are a few different things to consider when it comes to lighting. First, you need to decide what type of light you want to use. There are three main types of lighting: natural, artificial, and accent. Natural lighting is the best type of lighting, but it’s not always possible to rely on it. Artificial lighting is the next best option, and it can be used to create a variety of looks. Accent lighting is used to highlight certain features in a space, and it can be used to create drama and interest.

Once you’ve decided on the type of light you want to use, you need to consider the placement of the light fixtures. The placement of the fixtures is just as important as the type of light you use. You need to think about how the light will hit different surfaces in the room, and make sure that the light fixtures are placed in a way that makes sense for the layout of the space.


Interior Design – Long Term

If you know anything at all about interior design trends you know that they can change very quickly. What’s popular one year can be out of style the next, and keeping up with the latest looks can be a full-time job. However, you don’t have to completely overhaul your home every season to stay on trend. Instead, focus on making small changes that will have a big impact. For example, consider swapping out your throw pillows or adding a new piece of art to your walls. Or, if you’re feeling really adventurous, you could repaint a room in a trendy new colour. No matter what you do, the key is to make sure you’re still enjoying your space. After all, there’s no point in having a trendy home if you’re not happy with it.

And a final note: If your home is full of clutter and you can’t seem to find anything when you need it, it’s time to declutter. Decluttering doesn’t have to be a mammoth task; start small and work your way up. Begin by tackling one drawer, one cabinet, or one closet at a time. As you go through your belongings, ask yourself whether each item sparks joy. If it doesn’t, get rid of it. Marie Kondo’s philosophy is that if something doesn’t bring you joy, it has no place in your life. Once you’ve decluttered your space, you’ll be surprised at how much calmer and more relaxed you feel.




Accent and Armchairs

Zen Armchair – Washed Grey


Accent and Armchairs

Zen Armchair – White



Lombok Ladder
