Bringing the Inside Out: Creating an Outdoor Space You Love

Good interior design can make you want to coop up inside and stay cozy. If you want to try going outside more often, consider creating a more vibrant outdoor living space. The best setup will allow you to stay in your yard and enjoy the sunshine.


Be Intentional

Purpose is among the most important factors when creating a space you’ll love. Ask yourself how you intend to use the area so you know what elements to prioritize. Here are examples:


  • Cookout area: Create an outdoor kitchen to grill burger patties and pork skewers. You can also add a fire pit to roast marshmallows.
  • Socialization center: Social butterflies who want to invite friends and family for a chat should focus on creating a lounge. A pool is also good for bonding and relaxing.
  • Personal space: If you want to create a zen space you can walk out to and meditate, consider sectioning off a reading nook. You can also make a physical recreation area for workout exercises and yoga.



Invest in Gardening

An outdoor living space is all about connecting with nature. Bring some greenery into your yard and start gardening. Berries, bell peppers, and cabbage are beginner-friendly fruits and veggies you can grow.


Remember to put them in a sunlight-prone area. Fertilizers like wood chip mulch can suppress weeds and assist plant growth simultaneously. Adding them as a border throughout your outdoor living space also deters pests from encroaching.


Work on Landscaping

Exterior landscape can make a big difference in how your outdoor living space looks. For example, you can set up a picnic area with a campfire and benches. However, adding design elements like a pathway and entrance can elevate the experience.


You can even use your plants to help out with landscaping. Perennial grasses are perfect for a tall backdrop to keep parts of the outdoor space secluded. Flowers can also work as a border to further emphasize sections in the yard.


Improve the Decor

Decorations are imperative to give the outdoor area personality. What you should add to the space can depend on your overall theme and vision. Here are a couple of tips to follow when designing:


  • Have a color palette: There will be plenty of green with the nature outdoors. However, your artificial decor should still have a color palette. Orange and brown can complement hues in the rest of the background, but you can also go more vibrant.
  • Create variety: Pick different decorations, from hanging ornaments to side table pieces. Elegant lighting fixtures add functionality by illuminating your outdoor space at night.
  • Add a centerpiece: A centerpiece can tie the whole space together. For example, a large tree can provide shade and draw attention. Statues or other works of art can also make the area more picturesque.


Add Furniture

Furniture lets you or the people you invite into the home lounge relax and enjoy the great outdoors. Remember to check the space and contemplate the number of people who would stay. If multiple people are coming over, benches would be a good addition.


You can also have a patio table with individual chairs to create a quaint dining area. If you prefer staying on your own, have an ottoman or rocking chair. A daybed is also perfect for basking in the sun.


Consider Future Maintenance

Think of the future maintenance of the grounds and items on it. All homeowners want their yards to retain the same wow factor even after a few months, so focus on durability and minimize exposure.


For example, stone or wooden furniture is weather-resistant and easier to clean. If you have a veranda or a deck with extra roofing, place your cushioned seats under that spot instead so it gets minimal sunlight or rain.


Create the Ultimate Outdoor Space

An outdoor living area can revitalize unused areas and add curb appeal to your home. Fall in love with your property again and start spending more time outdoors. Whether having tea with a group or reading alone, there’s so much solace in a space you’ve created for yourself.