Why You Should Plan Your Interiors While Building Your Home

Building a home is exciting but can also be a bit overwhelming. With so much to consider, you’ll want to ensure you make the best design decisions. Of course, it can be hard to visualize the completed project when it’s still just the studs. Nevertheless, planning your interiors early is essential for finishing on time and within budget.


Benefits of Planning Interiors During Home Construction

Planning your home interiors during construction has many advantages — some steps even require immediate decision-making. For instance, while laying out the rooms, you can better tailor them to your lifestyle and implement storage and multifunctional spaces. The builder will need to know the layout to put the walls up.


Placing orders early also saves you money on design choices, such as flooring, paint or other materials. Otherwise, you run the risk of delays and change orders, which prolong construction and drive up costs.


Other benefits of early design planning include:


  • Greater coordination between the interior and exterior architectural integrity
  • The ability to incorporate custom elements, such as fireplaces and built-in features
  • Enhanced spaces for greater comfort and purpose
  • Ensuring adequate electrical outlets, lighting and plumbing systems
  • Improved installation efficiency with few disruptions


One aspect of homebuilding you might not have considered is how equipment rental impacts interior building. Nearly 50% of people rent construction equipment in the U.S., a number expected to rise in the next three years. Planning home interiors during the build enables contractors to acquire the necessary equipment to improve accuracy, prevent damage and expedite the timeline.

Design Factors to Consider While Building Your Home

When building your home, you must consider the design’s practical, aesthetic and functional aspects. This entails the project’s budget, the property’s size and shape, the local climate, building codes, and sustainable practices.


Aesthetically, you should consider your preferred style, the home’s exterior, color palettes and materials, lighting, and landscaping.


Also, how many people are in your household? Does anyone work from home? Do you need dual-purpose spaces? Answering these questions will help create a suitable layout for optimal usability, traffic flow and accessibility.


Tips to Visualize the Completed Design

Some people have an easier time visualizing a completed space than others. Fortunately, there are four things you can do to bring your design to fruition.

1.   Draw Floor Plans

A floor plan is standard in home construction, but revisiting it during the building process will allow you to rethink and improve the setup and flow between rooms. Your contractor should have the necessary software to create 3D models so you can get a natural feel for the space without actually standing in it.

2.   Create Vision Boards

Magazine clippings, social media posts, photographs of furniture and art, and material samples provide a visual representation of your ideal design. Place them on a mood board or use online tools like Pinterest to assess whether your design choices work together. Likewise, you can gain fresh inspiration from experts who concentrate on your aesthetic.

3.   Visit Showrooms and Model Homes

Visiting showrooms and model homes lets you see how similar interior design choices look in a finished space. For instance, you’ll need to consider the kitchen layout and materials — cabinets, countertops, backsplashes and hardware — somewhat early.


Home improvement stores often put sample kitchens or bathrooms together with different finishes to give you a better idea of the outcome. Meanwhile, you can check out different room layouts in a model home.

4.   Hire a Professional Designer

When all else fails, hiring an interior designer to oversee your homebuilding project will help you develop the ultimate design plan to meet your needs and optimize comfort. They can work with you and your contractor every step of the way to bring your vision to life.


Don’t Wait Until the Last Minute to Design Your Home Interiors

The sooner you style your interiors, the faster you’ll be able to settle into your new house. Don’t save important design decisions for the last minute, or you’ll hinder progress. Instead, work with your team of professionals every step of the way to create the home of your dreams.