Do I Need Planning Permission To Build a Patio in Melbourne?

If you’re a homeowner in Melbourne, you know there’s nothing better than enjoying a sunny day on your very own patio. Perhaps you’re an apartment owner who dreams of adding a touch of personal style to your shared balcony area. 

The wonderful four-season climate in Melbourne makes having an outdoor space a valuable addition to any property. But before you start dreaming about your first patio party or the peaceful mornings with a cup of tea outside, there’s one crucial question you need to consider. 

Do you need planning permission to build a patio? You wouldn’t want your dream patio to turn into a bureaucratic nightmare, would you?

We’ve teamed up with Apollo patio builders in Melbourne to share some valuable insights on patio planning permission. Also, provide tips for a stress-free experience when building your patio. 


Planning Permission: A Necessity or Not?

Planning permits give the local council control over the development and construction of an area. They ensure that new structures adhere to proper building and safety standards, as well as maintain the overall aesthetic of the neighbourhood.

If you’re planning a residential patio project, you may need to get a planning permit from your local council. However, for a single home in Melbourne, you generally do not need a planning permit to build a patio. 

As long as your patio meets certain criteria, you can proceed without seeking formal permission from the council. The criteria are:

  • The overall height of your patio (including the roof) should not exceed 2.7m.
  • The patio should have at least two sides open.
  • If your patio is longer than 10m, you need to have posts to the boundary and ensure that the roof or eave is at least 450mm away from the boundary.
  • The style of your patio should match your house and be compatible with the surrounding area if visible from the street. 

But there are certain situations where you may still need a planning permit, such as:

  • Your property is located within a structure plan area or designated overlay.
  • If the finished ground level of your patio is higher than 0.5m above natural ground level (e.g., raised decking).
  • You’re planning to build a boundary wall that is closer than 600mm to a side or rear boundary.
  • Your patio is being created over landscape or trees, particularly if it involves the removal of significant vegetation. 

For more information about planning requirements, it’s best to consult with your local council or a professional builder. They may also be able to help review your planned patio design and ensure it meets all necessary criteria.


Tips for a Smooth Patio Project

Most homeowners in Melbourne who are planning to build a patio can take advantage of the ‘exempt’ and ‘complying’ development rights. This implies that if your project satisfies certain criteria, you can bypass the cumbersome approval process.

To ensure a smooth patio project, here are some tips to keep in mind:


Mark the area and plan the layout.

Before starting any construction, make sure to mark the area where you plan to build your patio. It’s best to consult with a professional builder or contractor for advice on the most suitable layout for your property.


Consider weather patterns.

Melbourne is known for its unpredictable weather, and it’s essential to consider this when designing your patio. Choose materials that can withstand strong winds, heavy rain, and even hailstorms.


Get the right permits.

If your patio project requires a planning permit, make sure to obtain it before starting any construction work. This will save you from potential fines or having to tear down your patio due to non-compliance.


Hire experienced professionals.

Building a patio is not an easy task, and it’s best to hire experienced professionals to ensure the work is done correctly. Most professionals nowadays are equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to navigate the planning process and build a sturdy and beautiful patio.


Final Words

Whether you’re adding value to your property or simply creating an outdoor oasis for yourself, a patio is a wonderful addition to any home. 

Just remember to follow the necessary guidelines and seek professional advice if needed, and soon enough, you’ll be enjoying your very own piece of outdoor paradise in Melbourne. 

As the saying goes, “A little planning can save a lot of headaches in the long run.” So take your time, plan carefully, and before you know it, you’ll be sipping that cup of tea on your beautiful new patio. Happy building! 

