Blending Architecture with Fashion: How to Create a Cohesive Aesthetic in Your Home

If you love fashion, the chances are you have a unique clothing style that defines your personality and tells a story about who you are. But what about your home?

If your answer is no, then don’t worry. Just because you might rock a cohesive aesthetic with brands like Dunst in your everyday attire, it doesn’t mean the decor of where you live can’t do the same.

Indeed, by blending the principle of architecture with fashion, you can create living spaces that are unified, synchronised and harmoniously tie everything in your home together.

Here are some ways to do just that.

Recognise Your Style

Before you begin to design the aesthetic of your home, you should take some time to recognise your signature style. 

A great way to do this is to create a Pinterest or mood board of fashion and home decor-related images you love. This exercise will give you a visual appreciation of what elements you like in both spheres, which in turn should provide you with inspiration on how to bring them together.

Define a Colour Scheme

It is important to define a well-thought-out colour scheme for your home decor. That said, while you don’t necessarily need to use the same palette in every room, you do need to maintain a level of consistency in all your living spaces.

A good starting point is to determine a base colour which you can use as the cornerstone of your overall design. It doesn’t really matter if it is a vivid colour like emerald, burgundy, green or navy or a more neutral tone like white, grey or beige – so choose whatever you like.

Once your base colour has been settled upon, you should pick a brace of accent colours to pair with it. Again, these can be bold or muted, depending on your style.

Here are four colour rules to consider.



Mix Textures and Patterns

Combining textures and patterns is a terrific way to enhance the optics of your home. However, it is important to do it in a way that maintains a cohesive design scheme overall.

Subsequently, you should try to choose elements that complement each other and use them consistently throughout your property. For instance, you could use the same fabric patterns for upholstered furniture, curtains, and throw pillows.

Find a pattern you adore, perhaps geometric or floral prints. Then, match it with a complimentary pattern like plaid or stripes. Ultimately, the objective is to pair patterns with matching colour palettes that work well together.

Include Statement Pieces

Just like with the clothes you wear, statement pieces can add real character and personality to your home. Therefore, you should incorporate a few items such as a vintage rug or unique artwork that showcase your personal style and can be used as focal points.

When adding statement pieces to your room, it is imperative to maintain the balance of the room. Essentially, you’ll want to ensure the space is functional and manageable without it being cluttered or incorporating anything too clunky.

Balance Out All Design Elements 

To create a look and feel for your home that is cohesive, you’ll need to maintain a good balance of all your design elements. This includes things like textures, patterns and colours.

For instance, if your curtains comprise a vivid pattern, you should ensure your furniture is made up of a solid colour.

When thinking about balance, it is good to invoke the rule of threes – a design principle that recommends grouping three visually appealing objects that complement each other best.

Alternatively, you could pay attention to scale by incorporating a mix of small and large items in your home to arouse visual interest.

Be Consistent with your Design Elements 

To tie your living spaces together, and therefore create a design scheme that is cohesive, it is a good idea to choose consistent design elements. Typically, this might include trim work, lighting fixtures or hardware.

Begin by choosing a theme for your space, for example, minimalist, beach or bohemian. Once you have done this, add consistent and related design elements that will foster a sense of flow and unity all the way through your home.

Depending on your style and preference, it could incorporate a mix of bright, bold hues or neutral colours. Moreover, to make it work, your furniture should not compete with each other but rather be consistent and inviting.