It’s only when you start shopping for dining chairs that you understand just how important it is to make the right decision. There’s a lot to consider!
There’s an endless range of styles; prices range from affordable to mind-boggling, and with today’s design styles your dining table and chairs don’t even need to match. In fact, interior designers today say that mix-and-match dining sets are very on-trend. And while a mix-and-match set is certainly more interesting, it does make it more challenging putting it together.
Then, of course, there are the practicalities you need to consider, like, will the chairs you purchase work with the room, the table, and even the size of your guests? In the past, it was normal to have a matching dining table and chair set, so most of the guesswork was done for us. However, the results were very predictable, which some people today might call ‘boring.’
So, you already have a gorgeous table and it’s time to start looking for chairs. We’ve created this guide to help you choose the right chairs for your table. We understand that choosing the right dining chairs can be far from easy so we really hope this information will make your decision a whole lot easier.